Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What is this all about?

This blog is about the neo-burlesque sub-culture, also known as burlesque revival. In short, neo-burlesque is a movement that emerged in the 1990’s, with performers revisiting vintage strip-tease performances, focusing on the “tease”, as opposed to the “strip” of modern day nude dancing bars.

This movement is a very intriguing phenomenon and suscitate several debates. On one hand, traditional feminists decry the deliberate exploitation of the female body, as on the other hand, some performers and members of the community claim that the reappropriation of this traditionally "male gaze" oriented performance is part of a feminist (or post-feminist) agenda and can thus lead to empowerment and emancipation.

My objective here is to explore how the performance of neo-burlesque artists challenges (and/or reifies) gendered ideals promoted by consumer culture. Stay tuned for more about the fascinating and 'sequined' world of 'shimmy' and 'bump-and-grind'!

Neo-burlesque movie coming soon

No Strings Attached
Producer/Director/Editor: Lisa Whitmer
TRT: 36:30 minutes

"Bursting with sex appeal and kitschy charm, No Strings Attached is a playful romp through the world of burlesque, from its origins in the late nineteenth century to its contemporary revival. The film provides a peek through feathers and glitter at the Scenic Sisters, a San Francisco duo, as they prepare for the annual, international Tease-o-Rama convention." - www.lisawhitmer.com